What is People's Museum of Bangladesh

PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH is not a repository of artifacts but, it is a performative venue to negotiate the shift and chaos of displacement from body, land, language or labor, caused by colonization, migration etc .
PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH seeks to interrogate art-making process and practices which overlap and bridge art and life, directly addressing pressing urban issues as unemployment of south Asian immigrants in the European metropolises, legal documentations, mental illness, public housing, multicultural demographics and neighborhood, Islamophobia, sexual violence, labor and management relations and, ecology. collective representational space for Bangladeshi artists, craftspeople, living and working in Bangladesh or in the diaspora or any part of the world.
Created in 2006, PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH is, on one hand, an organic and networked archive for information, documentation and, theorization of the issue of displacement, labor, language and, immigration and, on the other hand, it aims to be the largest searchable database and data capturing agency by and for the South Asian Immigrants living and working in Europe.
PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH is a resource hub—embracing national and international cultural venue, organization, arts agency and network, group and individual artist, fair/festival, academy, local authorities, funding body, media—catering to the specific need and demand of the South Asian Populations living and working in Bangladesh.
PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH is the only multi-faceted platform for Bangladeshi artists, mostly, living and working in South-East Asian Region or the diasporas.
PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH inaugurates—by enthusiastically staging micro narratives of immigrant culture makers—a complex process of practical live-intervention that thwarts any return to closed euro-centric antecedents and canonistic vantage points.

©Ebadur Rahman

What We Do

PEOPLE’S MUSEUM engage in ambitious investigation in urban art making addressing real life issues and populations not served by Museums or any art agency, offering them not only real life solutions but shared authority and, a voice in the creation of a process of mutually empowering endeavor, fostering dialog and discourse for collaborative action.
One way to approach the difference between traditional museum art and PEOPLE’S MUSEUM’s work is through the object. Our work is intended to lead away from the object into the lives of real people, real neighborhood, real communities. The involvement in real time and space opens up our projects, and the importance of this kind of involvement to an understanding of real life situation and crisis rise, with particular urgency, one of the most fundamental of all contemporary art issues: social responsibility.
PEOPLE’S MUSEUM conceives and creates theoretical/artistic/knowledge infrastructures for south Asian immigrant communities/cultural groups/enterprises in the globalized art world.
PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH is envisioned as an innovative, collaborative and a common platform for all south Asian artists, art groups and enterprises and designed to penetrate the mainstream cultural establishments of Europe and North America

Our Objectives

PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH seeks to integrate, empower, economically and politically stabilize south Asian Diasporic communities/ artists/art groups and enterprises through the following initiatives:
• Maintaining on-going programs—locally and internationally--to intentionally provoke and sharpen the level of perceptivity, creativity and natural awareness, wisdom and compassion of people and, expose these south Asian immigrant communities/arts group to interesting resources vis-a-vis their social, religious and cultural conundrums and enable them to negotiate industry links/promotional opportunity and community partnership that embrace empowerment through various cultural practices and, by critically engaging with social issues and, pushing the boundaries of public art
• Maintain an extensive and expanding database of south Asian artists, artisans, art groups and enterprises and, directory of resources for south Asian artist, and a facility in which artists can enter their own details and upload promotional photos/demos/materials.
• PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH intends to act as the first point of reference for international agencies, museums, promoters, agents, gallery owners and event planners
• Promoting south Asian enterprise, culture, arts within and outside the community, and internationally, and in popular media, community arts circulars, e-mail networks and bulletins
• Stage exchange and feed-back loop of information through seminars, round tables, art camps, residency, themed and heterogeneously storied group shows
• Expanding the reach of the current arts infrastructure by new creating partnership and events
• Most importantly PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH intends to generate new knowledge and value to create portals, so that south Asian immigrants can participate in the social, economic and the cultural life of their host countries, and benefit from the resources and the tremendous opportunities these european societies offer to these immigrants and, to their children.

©Ebadur Rahman

Art Infrastructure

Filling a significant gap in the region’s—Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, Kashmir, Tibet, Sri Lanka—contemporary arts practices vis-à-vis migration, displacement, societal shifts, internal colonialism and various real life issues and their various repercussions in the different areas, PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH interrogates and installs new infrastructure and protocols to reasearch, production of knowledge, and stage arts that engage the new critical knowledge that are being mobilized around/through these procedures.

PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH is linked to pedagogic projects, research, knowledge production by using arts as a weak science, and various interventions; PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH has been significantly invested in performative adventures in the following formulations, nationally and internationally:

• Curators Hub/ Self-Organized Education
• Commissioned cooperation between contemporary art galleries and curators
• Research and development of a local art discourse and vernacular pedagogy
• Exhibition
• Arts Competition for the local artists
• Participation in major Fairs, Biennials and all important events in the international Art Calendar and proactive development collateral event/exhibition and publication
• Searchable Artist Database
• Resource Database
• Research
• On-going permanent collection for the People's Museum
• Developing a model of cultural tourism
• Engagement with local communities and fomenting urban regeneration
• Publication
• Film
• Partnership
• Archive

Art Event

Competition-- PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH has introduced a new and substantial arts prize which is awarded annually to 3 artists. The 3 awards are presented at the annual day of PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH’S Arts Carnival/Festival, in Venice Italy or in Paris, France by a jury consisting of internationally renowned arts specialist/professionals.
In addition, PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH arranges, and pays for, the prize winner to attend at least 2 major international fair/festival in one year , buys works by the prizewinner for PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH’S Art Profiling project and recently , is planning to donate the prizewinners’ artworks to a major museums.
Residency Lab: Innovative programs set in semi-rural setting—located near historical sites, but, only a stone throw away from the capital city—are aimed to foment and catalyze international transmission, friction and exchange.
We invite foreign artists to engage and create in Bangladesh and we send out Bangladeshi artist abroad. Arts Discourse: A dense program of symposia, round table, talks, panels, book launching and other presentations for Bangladeshi artists vis-a-vis renowned international art world fixtures.
Arts Procures: A free metropolitan event to present highly experimental public arts--created by a fluid association of organization, curator, architect, artist, street performers and bohemians--at various historical locations in Dhaka city to stage the questions ,stories and anterior truths of a new urbane reality.

©Ebadur Rahman

Art Profiling

PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH—the only Bangladeshi art initiative with an international reputation and reach, acts as an impartial facilitator and taste arbiters and, researches, advises, buys, values and manages events, arts, artifacts, crafts and antiques for scripted space—living, corporate, hospital, official, habitat, hotel, rental, business, bazaar — imbuing it with meaning, and beauty.
The following text is culled from the catalog that PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH produced for a property development company:
Isn't home a place where your heart is?
Isn't home a place where you reside and repose and where the portals are draped in the gold of twilight and all your dread and despair transmute in the warm calculus of hope and health?
But, how a strange and cold architectural space becomes a home, a place where you deposit your dream and desire?
Modern social science, aligned with the ancient Vastu Shastra, assume that, a space transforms into a place, into one's own physical terrain, only after filtering through cultural structures.
Through Art Profiling-- have your home embody Art to put culture back in living place.
Art profiling connects human purposes and archetypical realities with the place where you live.
Art profiling posits your dream-life in your home and transform it into an ecology of seduction and transformative power.
Art profiling situate you in a climate of purity and pastoral rhythm, that is akin to a childhood signal to come home to your true cultural energy, to come closer to yourself...
Not surprisingly one the of the most prominent contemporary French artists proclaims ‎"Living is the most beautiful picture. The rest is just painting".
We paint a beautiful picture, for you, to live!

©Ebadur Rahman

Current Project

Page Under Construction


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PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH’S publications are designed as viral events that locate and,
interrogate/collapse—using the arts and all and sundry lyrical tools—
contemporary knowledge systems and paradigms!

@Ebadur Rahman

Museum Team

Louwrien Wijers

Honorary President
E-mail Address: louwrien@pplsmuseumbd.com

Ebadur Rahman

Founder & Artistic director
E-mail Address: ebad@pplsmuseumbd.com

Kark Seo

Managing Director
E-mail Address: Kirk@pplsmuseumbd.com

Berenice Gage

Chief Curator
E-mail Address: berenice@pplsmuseumbd.com

Supports & Partners

We are a fluid, nomadic Arts-Reasearch-Practice initiative currently based in Villach, Austria, and Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Other than producing art-life situations and solutions, we provide professional art services, advise, strategic communications and art infrastructure help; we initiate and manage art happening, event, festival, carnival and fair.
Most of our partners, and supporters are strategic and, would remain unnamed but, we are working on a few ongoing long-term projects with:

1. Gulmoher Carnival Association
2. State of Sabotage (SoS)
3. Voina
4. LKW (Leben, Kunst & Werk)


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PEOPLE’S MUSEUM OF BANGLADESH, so far, have only actively sought participants.
However, we will be open to include Members, Patrons, Beneficiaries, Sponsors from the winter of 2016.
Benefits and privileges of membership will be made available, from end of 2015, for everybody’s perusal.

  • Beneficiaries
  • $199 / Year
  • Signup


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